박민규 (Park, Mingue)
- 직위
- Professor
- 전화번호
- +82-2-3290-2243
- 연구분야
- Design and estimation for sample survey. Public opinion survey.
- 사무실
- 정경관 402호 (402 CPSE Bldg.)
- 학위
- Ph.D
- 홈페이지
- http://faculty.korea.ac.kr/mpark2
- 이메일
- mpark2@korea.ac.kr
Ph.D. in Statistics, Iowa State University, 2002. M.S. in Statistics, Korea University, 1996. B.A. in Statistics, Korea University, 1994.
경력 및 수상
Professor, Department of Statistics, Korea University, March 2014 ~ Present Associate Professor, Department of Statistics, Korea University, March 2009 ~ February 2014 Visiting Scholar, Department of Statistics, Colorado State University, August 2012 ~ July 2013 Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Korea University, September 2006 ~ February 2009 Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, August 2002 ~ August 2006 • 학회활동 한국통계학회 부회장 2023. 1 ~ 현재 한국통계학회 사업이사 2017. 1 ~ 2020.12 한국통계학회 소식지 편집위원: 2006. 1. ~ 2011. 12. 한국통계학회 응용통계연구 편집위원: 2008. 3. ~ 2011.12. 한국조사연구학회 부회장 2023. 1 ~ 현재 한국조사연구학회 연구이사 2021. 1 ~ 2022.12 한국조사연구학회 정보이사 2019. 1 ~ 2020.12. 한국조사연구학회 조사연구 편집위원: 2016. 1. ~ 2022.12 한국조사연구학회 국제협력이사 2015. 1 ~ 2018. 12. 한국조사연구학회 정보이사 2011. 1 ~ 2012. 12. 한국조사연구학회 총무이사 2009. 1 ~ 2010. 12. • 교내활동 고려대학교 인재발굴처 처장: 2021.2 ~ 2023.2 고려대학교 인재발굴처 부처장: 2017. 3 ~ 2019.2. 고려대학교 통계학과장: 2014. 8. ~ 2016. 7. 고려대학교 정책대학원 데이터 정보학과 주임: 2011. 2.~ 2013. 1. 고려대학교 통계연구소 소장: 2010. 3. ~ 2012. 3. • 기타활동 중앙선거관리위원회 여론조사공정심의 위원회 위원 서울특별시 선거여론조사 공정심의위원회 위원 미디어 다양성 위원회 위원 방송사 선거방송 여론조사 자문위원(KBS, SBS) 장애인 고용공단 고용개발원 통계자문위원 국가통계위원회 위원 • 수상 갤럽학술상 우수상. 2010. The Mixed Model for Survey Regression Estimation. JSPI 갤럽 박사학위 논문지도 우수상. 2014. 이상추출 하에서 DEE와 회귀추정량의 분산 추정에 관한 연구(김관수 박사) 갤럽 박사학위 논문지도 우수상. 2015. 등록센서스와 표본조사를 활용한 소지역 인구분포 추정방법의 비교 연구(송종호 박사) 석탑강의상. (2008, 2011) 실험계획법 우수강의상. (2010) 사회과학을 위한 통계적 방법 우수강의상. (2011) 통계적 탐구
학부,대학원 담당과목
• 학부 과목 Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists Introduction to Survey Sampling Introduction to Mathematical Statistics Statistical Methods for Social Science Design of Experiment Regression Analysis • 대학원 과목 Survey Sampling Linear Model Multivariate Data Analysis Introduction to Time Series Mathematical Statistics
• SAS를 활용한 표본설계와 통계적 추론. 박민규 외 1명, 자유아카데미, 2016. 7 • SAS와 R을 활용한 표본설계와 통계적 추론, 2nd Ed. 박민규 외 1명, 자유아카데미, 20213.12
- Lim, Y. and Park, M. (2024). Use of ridge calibration method in predicting election results. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society. 53(2). 479 - 494. - An, J. and Park, M. (2023). Descriptive analysis of COVID-19 statistics across nations. Korean Journal of Applied Statistics. 36(5). 447-455. (In Korean). - Park, M. (2023). Variance estimation of a double expanded estimator for two-phase sampling. Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods. 30(4). 403-410. - Kim, J. K. and Park, M. (2023). Predicting Election Results by Correcting for Retained Supporters and Respondents of Candidates Who are Eliminated in the Middle. Survey Research. 24(1). 1-15. (In Korean). - Park, M., Kim, T and Lim, Y. (2021). A Case Study on the Sampling Design for 2020 Survey on the Economic Activity of the Disabled. Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society. 23(4). 1605~1615 (In Korean). - Cheon, S., Lim, Y. and Park, M. (2021). An Analysis of Statistical Methods in Predicting the Number of Seats in the 21st General Election. Survey Research. 22(1). 1-23.(In Korean) - Kim, K and Park, M. (2019). Statistical micro matching using a multinomial logistic regression model for categorical data. Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods. 26. 507-517. - Yun, S. and Park, M. (2019). Prediction of Major Political Parties’ Number of Seats in General Election Using Systematic Bias Correction. Survey Research. 20(1) 29-43. (In Korean) - An, J,. Park, J. and Park, M. (2018). The Effect of Socio-economic Status on Body Mass Index : The Mediation Effects for Depression, Eating Habit, Physical Ability. Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society. 20(2) 633-646. (In Korean) - Lee, I. and Park, M. (2017). Optimal Sampling Design under the Response Homogeneous Group Response Mechanism: A Prediction Approach. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society. 46, 137-145. - Kim, G. and Park, M. (2017). Variance estimation of DEE and regression estimator when a first-phase cluster sample is restratified. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation}. 46, 3020-3033. - Park, S. and Park, M. (2017). Comparison of Calibration Estimator Properties for Small Sample. Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society. 19, 119-128. (In Korean) - Park, M. (2015). Partially Calibrated Poststratified Weights for Handling Unit Nonresponse. Communications In Statistics-Theory and Methods. 44, 2983-3000. - Park, M. and Kim, S. (2015). A Case Study on Construction and Use of Longitudinal Weights for Korea Labor Income Panel Survey. Survey Research. 16, (1), 49-71. (In Korean) - Park, M. (2015). Nonresponse Adjusted Raking Ratio Estimation. Communications for statistical applications and methods. 22, 655-664. - Lee, I. and Park, M. (2015). A Study on Sample Allocation for Stratified Sampling. The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics. 28, 1047-1061. (In Korean) - Kim, D. and Park, M. (2014). Comparison of Several Micro Matching Methods : Application to the Economic Activity Census and Time Use Survey. Journal of The Korean Data Analysis Society. 16, (5B), 2393-2408. (In Korean) - Kim, G. and Park, M. (2013). A Case Study on the Sampling Design for 2012 Survey on the Employment Status of the Disabled in Business. Journal of The Korean Data Analysis Society. 15, (3B), 1273-1288. (In Korean) - Park, M and Fuller, W. A. (2012). Generalized regression estimators. Encyclopedia of Environmetrics. 2nd Ed. 1162-1166, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. - Park, M., Cho, S., Song, J., Kim, O. and Jang, Y. (2012). A Study on the Model Bias of the Estimator under the Quota Sampling Design. Survey Research. 13, (2) 99-109. (In Korean) - Park, M., Lee, K. Song, J and Shin S. (2012). A Comparative Study on The Missing Adjusted Estimators of Wages and Hours Worked for Establishment Panel Survey. Journal of The Korean Data Analysis Society. 14, (3), 1265-1279. (In Korean) - Park, M. (2012). Construction of Non-extreme Weighted Regression Weights for Sample Surveys. Journal of The Korean Data Analysis Society. 14, 1(A), 1-12. - Jang, Y., Cho, S., Song, J., Kim, O. and Park, M. (2011). Effects of Scale Size on Validity, Reliability and Easiness of Response in a Web-based Survey. Survey Research. 12, (3), 1-23. (In Korean) - Park, M., Lee, K., Park, H. and Kang, H. (2011). A Study on the Construction of Weights for KYPS. Survey Research. 12 , (3), 173-186. (In Korean) - Song, J. and Park, M. (2011). A Study of sample size for two-stage cluster sampling. The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics. 24, (2), 393-400. (In Korean) - Kim, J. K. and Park, M. (2010). Calibration estimation in survey sampling. The International Statistical Review. 78, 21-39. - Park, J., Byun, J. and Park, M. (2010). Construction of Sampling Frames for the 5th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics. 23, (5), 923-932. (In Korean) - Song, J. and Park, M. (2010). A Study on the Construction of Weights for Combined Rolling Samples. Survey Research. 11, (1), 19-41. (In Korean) - Park, M. and Fuller, W. A. (2009). The mixed model for survey regression estimation. The Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 139, 1320-1331. - Kang, H., Park, S., Kim, J., Kim, I., Lee, D., Hwang, J. and Park, M. (2009). A Case Study on the Construction of the Sampling Frame and Sampling Design for 2008 Seoul Survey. Survey Research. 10, (3), 157-172. (In Korean) - Kim., G. and Park, M. (2009). Efficient use of auxiliary information through the stratified sampling and systematic sampling design. Survey Research. 10, (1), 155-165. (In Korean) - Park, M. and Cho, H. (2008). Minimum MSE regression estimator with estimated population quantities of auxiliary variables. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 53, 394-404. - Park, M and Choi, B. (2008). Bias corrected Maximum Likelihood Estimator under the generalized linear model for a binary variable. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation. 37, 1507-1514. - Park, M and Yang, M. (2008). Ridge Regression Estimation for Survey Samples. Communications in Statistics- Theory and Methods. 37, 532-543. - Park, M. (2008). Model-Based Prediction of the Population Proportion and Distribution Function Using a Logistic Regression. Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods. 15, 783-791. - Kim. G., Park, M. and Oh, S. (2008). A study on the imputation techniques used to impute the missing values for 2007 advertising industry survey, Journal of The Korean Data Analysis Society. 10, 1483-1493. - Yang, M. and Park, M. (2007). Efficient Crossover Designs With Three Periods. The Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 137, 2056-2067. - Park, M. (2006). Alternative designs for Regression Estimation. Journal of Official Statistics. 22, 541-563. - Park, M. and Fuller, W. A. (2005). Towards nonnegative regression weights for survey samples. Survey Methodology. 31, 85-93. - Fuller, W. A. and Park, M. (2002). Model weights for regression estimation. 2002 Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Section on Survey Research Methods[CD-ROM]}. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association.