송주원 (Song, Juwon)
- 직위
- Professor
- 전화번호
- +82-2-3290-2241
- 연구분야
- Incomplete Data Analysis, Biostatistics, Longitudinal Data Analysis
- 사무실
- 정경관 415호 (415 CPSE Bldg.)
- 학위
- Ph.D
- 홈페이지
- http://faculty.korea.ac.kr/jsong
- 이메일
- jsong@korea.ac.kr
1993.9 ~ 1999.9 UCLA, Department of Biostatistics, 박사 1990.3 ~ 1992.2 고려대학교 통계학과 석사 1986.3 ~ 1990.2 고려대학교 통계학과 학사
경력 및 수상
2012.8 ~ 2014.8 고려대학교 통계학과 학과장 2008.3 ~ 2010.3 고려대학교 통계연구소 소장 2005.3 ~ 현재 고려대학교 통계학과 조교수, 부교수 2004.1 ~ 2005.2 텍사스 주립대학교, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Department of Biostatistics and Applied Mathematics, 조교수 2000.3 ~ 2004.1 UCLA 의학통계학과 연구조교수
국제 학술지 • Song. J, and Belin, T. R. (2008), "Choosing an Appropriate Number of Factors in Factor Analysis with incomplete data," Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 52, 3560-3569. • Rotheram-Borus, M.J., Lester, P., Song, J., Lin,Y-Y., Leonard, N. R., Beckwith, L., Ward, M. J., and Sigman, M. and Swendeman, D. (2006), "Intergenerational Benefits of Family-Based HIV Interventions," Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 74, 622-627. • Song. J, Lee, M.B., Rotheram-Borus, M.J., and Swendeman, D. (2006), "Predictors of Intervention Adherence Among Young People Living with HIV," American Journal of Health Behavior , 30, 136-146. • Tang, L., Song. J, Belin, T. R. and Unutzer, J. (2005), "A Comparison of Imputation Methods in a Longitudinal Randomized Clinical Trial," Statistics in Medicine, 24, 2111-2128. • Lightfoot, M., Song, J., Rotheram-Borus, M. J., and Newman, P. (2005), "The Influence of Partner's Type and Risk Status on the Sexual Behavior of Young MSM Living with HIV/AIDS," Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 38, 61-68. • Song, J. and Belin, T. R. (2004), "Analysis of Incomplete High-Dimensional Multivariate Normal Data Using a Common Factor Model," Statistics in Medicine, 23, 2827-2843. • Birbeck, G. L., Gifford, D. R., Song, J., Belin, T. R., Mittman, B. S., and Vickrey, B. G. (2004) "Do Malpractice Concerns, Payment Mechanisms, and Attitudes Influence Test-ordering Decisions?," Neurology, 62, 119-121. • Rotheram-Borus, M. J., Song, J., Gwadz, M., Lee, M. B., Rossem, R. V., and Koopman, C. (2003) "Reductions in HIV Risk Among Runaway Youth," Prevention Science, 4, 173-187. • Song, J., Belin, T. R., Lee, M. B., Gao, X., and Rotheram-Borus, M. J. (2001), "Handling Baseline Differences and Missing Items in a Longitudinal Study About Reductions in HIV Risk Among Runaway Youths," Health Services and Outcome Research Methodology, 2, 317-329 • Rotheram-Borus, M. J., Piacentini, J. C., Cantwell, C., Belin, T. R., and Song, J. (2000) "The 18-month Impact of an Emergency Room Intervention for Adolescent Suicide Attempters," Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68, 1081-1093. 국내 학술지 • 송주원(2010),"결측을 포함한 반복측정자료 모형에서 결측자료 메커니즘의 영향", Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society, 12. • 임화경, 송석헌, 송주원(2009),"남아 출생률 자료에 대한 이질성 분석", 응용통계연구, 22, 365-373. • 송주원(2009),"비정규성 변수에 대하여 잠재변수를 이용한 다중대체법의 적용", Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society, 11, 1377-1387. • 임화경, 송석헌, 송주원, 전수영(2008),"다변량 다수준 이항자료에 대한 일반선형혼합모형", 응용통계연구, 21, 923-932. • 이윤지, 송주원 (2007),"이산형 특성변수를 포함한 신용평점모형의 기각추론," Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society, 9, 2743-2754. • 송주원 (2007),"The Effect of Variables Measuring Similarity among Group Members on Adherence of a Group Intervention of Young People Living with HIV," Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society, 9, 2613-2621. • 강의현, 송주원 (2007),"깁스 샘플러를 이용한 신용평점모형의 기각추론," Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society, 9, 2305-2318. • 송주원, 이수영, 윤초롱, 윤라헬, 송경화, 김병원, 이혜정, 장지연 (2007),"Multiple Imputation for Missing Data in the KLoSA study," Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society, 9, 2085-2095. 국내 학술회의 Proceeding • Song, J. and Belin, T. R. (2004), " Refining Multivariate Normal Imputations to Accommodate Non-Normal Data," 2004 Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Survey Research Methods Section [CD-ROM], Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association. • Sui, D., Schover, L.R., Song, J., Canada, A.L., Neese, L.E. (2004), "Comparison of Imputation Methods in Behavioral Science Research: A Small Longitudinal Study of Sexual Counseling after Prostate Cancer," 2004 Proceedings of the American Statistical Association [CD-ROM], Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association • Song, J. and Belin, T. R. (2002), " Alternative Strategies for Dimension Reduction with Multivariate Incomplete Data," 2002 Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Biometrics Section [CD-ROM], Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association. • Tang, L., Belin, T. R., and Song, J. (2002), "A Comparison of Imputation Methods for Panel Nonresponse in a Multi-center Randomized Clinical Trial: the IMPACT Study," 2002 Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Section on Health Policy Statistics [CD-ROM], Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association. • Song, J., Rotheram-Borus, M. J., and Belin, T. R. (2000), "Handling Missing Items in a Longitudinal Study About Reductions in HIV Risk Among Runaway Youths, In Proceedings of the Section on Statistics in Epidemiology of the American Statistical Association, 80-84. • Song, J. and Belin, T. R. (1999) "Analysis of Incomplete High-Dimensional Multivariate Normal Data Using a Common Factor Model," In Proceedings of the Section on Survey Research Methods of the American Statistical Association, 103-111. • Belin, T. R., Piacentini, J. C., Rotheram-Borus, M. J., and Song, J. (1997), "Handling Missing Items in a Multivariate Suicide Prevention Study," In Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, 60-65.