이재원 (Lee, Jae Won)
- 직위
- Professor
- 전화번호
- +82-2-3290-2237
- 연구분야
- Clinical Trials, Bioinformatics, Survival Analysis
- 사무실
- 정경관 305호 (305 CPSE Bldg.)
- 학위
- Ph.D
- 홈페이지
- http://faculty.korea.ac.kr/biostat
- 이메일
- jael@korea.ac.kr
1986. 9 ~ 1990. 8 위스컨신대학교 통계학과 통계학 박사 1983. 3 ~ 1985. 2 서울대학교 대학원 통계학 석사 1979. 3 ~ 1983. 2 서울대학교 자연과학대학 계산통계학과 통계학 학사
경력 및 수상
2017.08 ~ 2019.07 고려대학교 정경대학 학장 2017.08 ~ 2019.07 고려대학교 정책대학원 원장 2016.01 ~ 2016.12 한국통계학회 부회장 2015.03 ~ 2017.02 한국보건정보통계학회 부회장 2014.01 ~ 2017.12 International Biometric Society (IBS), Council Member (Elected) 2013.03 ~ 2014.02 한국과학기술한림원 이학부 부학부장 2012.03 ~ 2013.08 고려대학교 입학처 처장 2011.05 ~ 2013.05 식품의약품안전청 의료기기위원회 전문가 2011.03 ~ 2012.02 고려대학교 국제처 처장 2010.11 ~ 현재 한국과학기술한림원 정회원 2010.08 ~ 2014.07 식품의약품안전청 중앙약사심의위원 2009.03 ~ 2011.02 한국연구재단 전문위원 (RB) 2009.03 ~ 2011.02 고려대학교 정경대학 부학장 2007.12 ~ 2009.12 한국통계학회 생물통계연구회 회장 2007.09 ~ 2015.02 한국보건정보통계학회 이사 2006.01 ~ 2016.12 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, Associate Editor 2005.11 ~ 2009.10 농림부 농촌경제통계위원회 자문위원 2004.10 ~ 2008.09 고려대학교 학술연구회 위원 2004.01 ~ 2005.12 The Korean Communication in Statistics, Associate Editor 2004.01 ~ 현재 Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (CSDA), Associate Editor 2002.09 ~ 현재 고려대 안암병원, 경희대병원 임상시험위원회 (Institutional Review Board, IRB) 위원 2002.09 ~ 2006.08 농촌진흥청 특별전문위원 2001.03 ~ 2003.02 한국 보건통계학회 이사 2001.03 ~ 현재 고려대학교 통계학과 정교수 2003.03 ~ 2005.03 고려대학교 통계연구소 소장 2002.09 ~ 2006.08 농촌진흥청 특별전문위원 2001.03 ~ 2005.02 고려대학교 정책대학원 통계조사학과 학과주임 1998.02 ~ 2002.01 식품의약품안전청 중앙약사심의위원회 중앙약사심의위원 1997.02 ~ 1999.01 고려대학교 통계학과 학과장 겸 대학원 주임 1997.01 ~ 2001.01 고려대학병원 소화기병 연구소 연구위원 1997.02 ~ 1999.01 고려대학교 통계학과 학과장 겸 대학원 주임 1997.01 ~ 2001.01 고려대학병원 소화기병 연구소 연구위원 1996.03 ~ 2001.02 고려대학교 통계학과 부교수 1996.01 ~ 2000.08 농촌진흥청 겸임연구관 1996.01 ~ 2000.01 한국통계학회논문집 편집위원 1995.08 ~ 2000.08 고려대학교 통계연구소 발간「응용통계」 편집위원장 1994.07 ~ 1996.06 고려대학교 통계연구소 생물통계실 실장 1994.03 ~ 1996.02 고려대학교 통계학과 조교수 1991.06 ~ 1994.02 남가주대학교 예방의학과 조교수, 미국아동암그룹(CCG) 생물통계학자 1990.08 ~ 1991.06 미네소타 대학교 통계학과 조교수 • 2016. 고려대학교 석탑연구상 • 2012. Jack L. Beal Award 수상 (수상논문 - Journal of Natural Products. Vol.75 (10). (1777-1784. 2012) • 2012. Man of the year 로 선정. American Biographical Institute(ABI). NC, USA. (세계 3대 인명사전) • 2011~2015. Marquis Who's Who in the World 5년 연속 등재. (세계 3대 인명사전) • 2012. 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century. International Biographical Centre(IBC), Cambridge, England. (세계 3대 인명사전) • 2012. Top 100 Educators 선정. International Biographical Centre(IBC), Cambridge, England • 2012. Great Minds of the 21st Century 지명. American Biographical Institute (ABI). NC, USA. (세계 3대 인명사전) • 2012. Marquis Who's Who in Asia 등재 • 2012. 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century 선정. International Biographical Centre(IBC), Cambridge, England. (세계 3대 인명사전) • 2012. Top 100 Educators 선정. International Biographical Centre(IBC), Cambridge, England • 2012. Great Minds of the 21st Century 지명. American Biographical Institute(ABI). NC, USA. (세계 3대 인명사전) • 2011. Marquis Who's Who in the World 등재. • 2010. 한림원 정회원 선정 • 2010. 고려대학교 석탑강의상 • 2009. 한국통계학회 갤럽학술상 (상금 ₩10,000,000) • 2007. 고려대학교 석탑강의상 • 1993. Best Junior Faculty Award. American Cancer Society (상금 $ 16,000) • 1990. Best Student Award. American Statistical Association Meeting. (상금 $1,000)
• 박미라, 이재원 (1996). 임상시험연구를 위한 통계적 방법. 자유아카데미. • 박미라, 이재원 (1998). EXCEL을 이용한 의학데이터의 통계분석. 자유아카데미. • DNA 프로필 연구회(총 8인) (2001). 유전자 감식. 탐구당. • 김기영 外 8인 (2002). 통계적 탐구. 교우사 • 이재원, 박미라, 유한나 (2005) 생명과학연구를 위한 통계적 방법. 자유아카데미 • 이태림, 이재원, 박미라 (2005) 생명과학자료분석. 한국방송통신대학교 출판부 • 박미라, 이재원, 조숙정 (2009) SPSS를 이용한 의학데이터의 통계분석. 자유아카데미 • 서정선 외, 14, 인 (2011) 바이오 정보학. 한국방송통신대학교 출판부.
국제 학술지 • Wiley Jr, A. L., Wirtanen, G. W., Stephenson, J. A., Ramirez, G., DeMets, D. L., and Lee, J. W. (1989). Combined hepatic artery 5-fluorouracil and irradiation of liver metastases. Cancer, 84, 1783-1789. • Lee, J. W. and DeMets, D. L. (1991). Sequential comparison of changes with repeated measurements data. Journal of the American Statistical Association. Vol.86, 415, 757-762. • Lee, J. W. and DeMets, D. L. (1992). Sequential rank tests with repeated measurements in clinical trials. Journal of the American Statistical Association. Vol.87, 417, 136-142. • Wells, R. J., Woods, B. C., Lampkin, B. C., Nesbit, M. E., Lee, J. W., Buckley, J., Versteeg, C., and Hammond, G. D. (1993). The impact of high does cytosine arabinoside and asparaginase intensification on childhood acute myelogenous leukemia : A report from the Children Cancer Study Group. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 11, 3, 538-545. • Feig, S., Nesbit, M., Lampkin, B., Lange, B., Woods, W., Lee, J. W., and Hammond, D. 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Group sequential comparison of changes: ad-hoc vs. more exact method. Biometrics. 51, 21-30. • Lee, J. W. and Sather, H. N. (1995). Group sequential methods for comparison of cure rates in clinical trials. Biometrics. 51, 756-763. • Lee, J. W. (1995). Two sample rank tests for acceleration in the cure model. Statistics in Medicine, 14, 2111-2118. • E L Sievers, F O Smith, W G Woods, J W Lee, W A Bleyer, C L Willman, I D Bernstein (1995). Cell surface expression of the multidrug resistance P-glycoprotein (P-170) as detected by monoclonal antibody MRK-16 in pediatric acute myeloid leukemia fails to define a poor prognostic group: a report from the Childrens Cancer Group. Leukemia (Impact Factor: 10.16). 9(12):2042-8. • Lee, J. W. (1996). Some versatile tests based on the simultaneous use of weighted logrank statistics. Biometrics. 52. 721-725. • Woods, W.G. et al. (13人) (1996). Timed-Sequential Induction Therapy Improves Post-Remission Outcome in Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) : A Report from the Childrens Cancer Group. Blood, 87, 4979-4989. • K. E. Dusenbery, D. C. Arthur, W. Howells, B. J. Lange, B. Lampkin, J. Buckley, M. Masterson, J. W. Lee, M. E. Nesbit, R. J. Wells, W. G. Woods (1996). The role of radiation therapy in the management of granulocytic sarcomas (chloromas) in pediatric patients with newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia: A report from the childrens cancer group. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics; 36(1):367-367. • Lee, J. W. and Sather, H. N. (1998). A Supremum version of logrank test for detecting late occurring survival differences. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 26, 303-311. • SH Um, HS Ryu, MR Park, JW Lee, SJ Lee, KH Kim, HJ Park, YT Jeen, HJ Chun, CW Song, SW Lee, CD Kim, JH Hyun,SO Seo, YH Kim, (1998). A new staging system of hepatocellular carcinoma based on prognostic index in consideration of prognostic factors on natural history. Gastroenterology. Volume 114, Supplement 1, 15 April 1998, Page A1356. (Abstract) • SH Um, HS Ryu, MR Park, JW Lee, HJ Park, HJ Chun, CD Kim, JH Hyun, YH Kim, SO Seo, (1998). Prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma in relation to tretment methods using a new staging scheme. Gastroenterology. Volume 114, Supplement 1, 15 April 1998, Page A1357. (Abstract) • Lee, J. W. and DeMets, D. L. (1999). Estimation following group sequential tests with repeated measurements data. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 32, 69-77. • Lee, J. W., Lee, H. S., Park, M. and Hwang, J. J. (1999). Paternity probability when a relative of father is an alleged father. Science & Justice 39(4), 223-230. • Lee, H.S. and Lee, J. W. (1999). Statistical methods for forensic inference in DNA fingerprinting: A review. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 32, 47-67. • Choi, I.H., Sohn, C.S., Chung, C.Y., Cho, T.J., Lee, J.W. and Lee, D.Y. (1999). Optimum ratio of distraction in double level tibial lengthening. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 368, 240-246. • Lee, J.W. and Park, M.R. (2000). Point estimation after early stopping in repeated measures trial. Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation. 29, 2, 399-417. • Lee, H.S., et al. (2000) Motherless case in paternity testing. Forensic Science International. 114, 57-65. • Lee, J.W., et al. (2001) Evaluation of DNA match probability in criminal case. Forensic Science International. 116, 139-148. • Lee, J.W., Lee, H.S., Park, M. and Hwang, J.J. (2001). Paternity determination when the alleged father's genotypes are unavailable. Forensic Science International. 123, 202-210. • Lee, J.W., Lee, H.S., and Hwang, J.J. (2002). Statistical analysis for estimating heterogeneity of Korean population in DNA typing using STR loci. International Journal of Legal Medicine. 116, 153-160. • Lee, J.W., Jo, S.J., DeMets, D. L. and Kim, K.M. (2002). Confidence Interval Following Group Sequential Tests in Clinical Trials with Multivariate Observations. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation. Vol. 72, 247-259. • Choi, W., Lee, J.W., Kang, S.H. and Huh, M.H. (2003). An Algorithm of computing the exact distribution of the Kruskal-Wallis test. Communication in Statistics : Simulation and Computation. 32(4), 1029-1040. • Dusenbery KE, Howells WB, Arthur DC, Alonzo T, Lee JW, Kobrinsky N, Barnard DR, Wells RJ, Buckley JD, Lange BJ,Woods WG. (2003.10). Extramedullary leukemia in children with newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia: a report from the Children's Cancer Group. Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. 2003 Oct;25(10):760-768. • Young Sun Kim, Soon Ho Um, Ho Sang Ryu, Jung Bok Lee, Jae Won Lee, Dong Kyu Park, Yong Sik Kim, Yoon Tae Jin, Hoon Jai Chun, Hong Sik Lee, Sang Woo Lee, Jai Hyun Choi, Chang Duck Kim, Jin Hai Hyun. (2003.12). The prognosis of liver cirrhosis in recent years in Korea. Journal of Korean Medical Science. 2003;18-6:833-841 • Park DK, Um SH, Lee JW, Lee JB, Kim YS, Park CH, Jin YT, Chun HJ, Lee HS, Lee SW, Choi JH, Kim CD, Ryu HS, Hyun JH. (2004). Clinical significance of variceal hemorrhage in recent years in patients with liver cirrhosis and esophageal varices. Journal of Gastroenterolo hepatology. 2004;19(9):1042-1051. • Chang, Y. W. Jang JY, Kim NH, Lee JW, Lee HJ, Jung WW, Dong SH, Kim HJ, Kim BH, Lee JI, Chang R.. (2005). Interleukin-1B (IL-1β) polymorphisms and gastric mucosal levels of IL-1β cytokine in Korean patients with gastric cancer. International Journal of Cancer. 114(3), 465-471. • Jae Won Lee, Jung Bok Lee, Mira Park, Seuck Heun Song (2005). An extensive comparison of recent classification tools applied to microarray data. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. Vol. 48/4, 869-885. • Jeong, B.C. Jhun, M. and Lee, J.W. (2005). Bootstrap tests for overdispersion in a zero inflated Poisson regression model. Biometrics. Vol.61, 626-628. • Kim, S.Y. Lee, J.W. and Bae, J.S. (2005). Iterative clustering algorithm for analyzing temporal patterns of gene expression. International Journal of Computational Intelligence. 2(1), 1-4. • Lee, J.W., Uhm, S.H., Lee, J.B., Mun, J.W., and Cho, H. (2006) Scoring and Staging Systems using Cox Linear Regression Modeling and Recursive Partitioning. Methods of Information in Medicine. 45, 37-43. • Seo Young Kim, Jae Won Lee, In Suk Sohn (2006). Comparison of various statistical methods for identifying differentially expressed genes in replicated microarray data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 15(1); 3-20. • Seo Young Kim, Jae Won Lee and Jong Sung Bae (2006.03). Effect of data normalization on fuzzy clustering of DNA microarray data. BMC Bioinformatics. 7:134 • Ja-Yong Koo, Insuk Sohn, Sujong Kim, Jae Won Lee (2006). Structured Polychotomous Machine Diagnosis of Multiple Cancer Types Using Gene Expression. Bioinformatics. 22(8), 950-958. • Kyong Hwa Park, Sle Gi Lo Han, Young Mi Whang, Hyo Jung Lee, Young Do Yoo, Jae Won Lee, Sang Won Shin, Yeul Hong Kim (2006). Single nucleotide polymorphisms of the TGFB1 gene and lung cancer risk in a Korea population. Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics. 169; 39-44. • Seungjo Kim, Sun Young Lee, Chan Lee, Inho Kim, Hee Jung An, Ji Young Kim, Kwang Hyun Baek, Eun Joong Kim, Jung Mogg Kim, Jung Bok Lee, Jae Won Lee, Woon-Won Jung, Taehoon Chun, Yu-Kyoung Oh.(2006). Differential expression profiling of genes in a complete hydatidiform mole using cDNA microarray analysis. Genecologic Oncology. 103; 654-660. • Seo Young Kim, Jae Won Lee and Jong Sung Bae (2006.03). Effect of data normalization on fuzzy clustering of DNA microarray data. BMC Bioinformatics. 7:134. • Seung-Ho Kang and Jae Won Lee (2007). The size of Cochran-Armitage trend test in 2 x C contingency tables. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 137; 1851-1861. • Won-A Joo, Jung-Bok Lee, Mira Park, Jae-Won Lee and Chan-Wha Kim (2007). Comparison of Engines Contributed in Protein Mass Fingerprinting for Protein Identification. Biotechonology and Bioprocess Engineering. 2007 12, 2:125-130. • Seo Young Kim, Jae Won Lee (2007.12). Ensemble clustering method based on the resampling similarity measure for gene expression data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 16, 6, 539-564. • Mira Park, Jae Won Lee, Choongrak Kim. (2007). Correspondence analysis approaches for finding allele associations in population genetic study. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 51; 3145-3155. (corresponding author) • Joon Oh Park, Sang-We Kim, Jin Seok Ahn, Cheolwon Suh , Jung Shin Lee, Joung Soon Jang, Eun Kyung Cho, Sung Hyun Yang, Jin-Hyuk Choi, Dae Seog Heo, Suk Young Park, Sang Won Shin, Myung Ju Ahn, Jong Seok Lee, Young Ho Yun, Jae-Won Lee, Keunchil Park on behalf of the Korean Cancer Study Group (2007). Phase III trial of two versus four additional cycles in patients who are nonprogressive after two cycles of platinum-based chemotherapy in non-small-cell lung cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology. Nov 20 2007: Vol.25, No.33, 5233-5239. • Mira Park, Jae Won Lee, JungBok Lee, Sueck Heun Song (2008). Several biplot methods applied to gene expression data. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 138, 2, February 2008, 500-515. (Corresponding author) • Jae Won Lee, Myoungshik Jhun, Jong Young Kim, Jung Bok Lee (2008). An optimal selection of window widths in normalization of microarray data. OR-Spectrum. Volume 30, Number 2/ 2008.04. 235-248. • Chang Yi Park, Ja-Yong Koo, Sujong Kim, Insuk Sohn, Jae Won Lee (2008). Classification of gene functions using SVM for time-course gene expression data. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. Volume 52, Issue 5, 20 January 2008, Pages 2578-2587. • Chang Yi Park, Ja-Yong Koo, Peter T. Kim, Jae Won Lee (2008). Stepwise Feature Selection Using Generalized Logistic Loss. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 2008.03. Vol.52, Issue 7. 3709-3718. • HyungJun Cho, Yang-jin Kim, Hee Jung Jung, Sang-Won Lee, Jae Won Lee (2008). OutlierD: An R package for outlier detection using quantile regression on mass spectrometry data. Bioinformatics.(Corresponding author) Volume 24,(6), 15 March 2008, Pages 882-884. • Bum-Soon Lim, Shin-Jae Lee, Jae Won Lee, Sug-Joon Ahn (2008). Quantitative analysis of adhesion of cariogenic streptococci to orthodontic raw materials. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics. 2008 June;133(6):882-888. • Tae-Joon Cho et al. (2008). Refracture after Ilizarov osteosynthesis in atrophic type congenital pseudarthrosis of thetibia. Journal of Bone Joint Surgery Br. 2008.04. 90-B(4), 488-493. • Insuk Sohn, Sujong Kim, Changha Hwang and Jae Won Lee (2008). New normalization methods using support vector machine quantile regression approach in microarray analysis. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2008.04. Vol.52, Issue 8. 4104-4115. (Corresponding author) • Young Woon Chang , Dr. Hyoung-Chul Oh , Dr. Jae Young Jang , Dr. Young Hwangbo , Prof. Jae Won Lee , Mrs. Hyo Jung Lee , Dr. Kwang Ro Joo , Dr. Seok Ho Dong , Dr. Sung Soo Kim , Dr. Hyo Jong Kim , Dr. Byung Ho Kim, Dr. Rin Chang (2008). IL-1β and IL-8, matrix metalloproteinase 3, and pepsinogen secretion before and after H. pylori eradication in gastroduodenal phenotypes. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology. 2008.05. 48. 1184-1193. • Jae Sook Sunga, Sle Gi Lo Han, Young Mi Whang, Eun Soon Shin, Jae Won Lee, Hyo Jung Lee, Jeong-Seon Ryu, In Keun Choi, Kyong Hwa Park, Jun Suk Kima, Sang Won Shin, Elizabeth K. Chu, Yeul Hong Kim (2008). Putative association of the single nucleotide polymorphisms in RASSF1A promoter with Korean lung cancer. Lung Cancer. 2008.09. Vol. 61, Issue 3, 301-308. • Insuk Sohn, Sujong Kim, Changha Hwang, Jae Won Lee, Jooyong Shim (2008). Support vector machine quantile regression for detecting differentially expressed genes in microarray analysis. Methods of Information in Medicine. 2008.10. 47(5), 459-467. • Shin Jae Lee, Hongseok An, Sug-Joon Arn, Young Ho Kim, Sunyoung Pak, Jae Won Lee, (2008). Early Stature Prediction Method Using Stature Growth Parameters. Annals of Human Biology. 2008.12. 35(5), 509-517. • Sle Gi Lo Han, Kyong Hwa Park, Jae Sook Sunga, Young Mi Whanga, Yeon Jung Kim, Eun Soon Shin, Jae Won Lee, Hyo Jung Lee, Jeong-Seon Ryu, In Keun Choi, Jae Hong Seo, Yeul Hong Kim (2008). Single nucletide polymorphisms of IGFBP-3 gene and lung cancer risk in a Korean population. Lung Cancer. 2008.05. 2008.11. VOl.62, Issue 2, 152-161. • Jeeyun Lee, Wing-Yan Au, Min Jae Park, Junji Suzumiya, Shigeo Nakamura, Jun-Ichi Kameoka, Chikara Sakai, Kazuo Oshimi, Yok-Lam Kwong, Raymond Liang, Harry Yiu, Kam-Hung Wong, Hoi-Ching Cheng, Baek-Yeol Ryoo, Cheolwon Suh, Young Hyeh Ko, Kihyun Kim, Jae-Won Lee, Won Seog Kim, Ritsuro Suzuki,. (2008.11) Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Extranodal Natural Killer/T Cell Lymphoma: A Multinational, Multicenter, Matched controlled Study. Biology Blood Marrow Transplant. 14:(12), 1356-1364 (2008). • Seo YS, Kim YJ, Um SH, Yoo H, Lee JW, Kim YS, Jeen YT, Chun HJ, Kim CD, Ryu HS. (2008). Evaluation of the prognostic powers of various tumor status grading scales in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2008;23:1267-1275. • Eung-Sirk Lee, Dae-Soon Son, Sung-Hyun Kim, Jinseon Lee, JisukJo, JounghoHan, Heesue Kim, HyunJoo Lee, HyeYoung Choi, Youngja Jung, Miyeon Park, Yu Sung Lim, Kwhanmien Kim, Young Mog Shim, Byung Chul Kim,Kyusang Lee, Nam Huh, Christopher Ko, Kyunghee Park, Jae Won Lee, Yong Soo Choi, and Jhingoo k Kim,. (2008.11.15) Prediction of Recurrence-Free Survival in Postoperative Non^Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients by Using an IntegratedModel of Clinical Information and Gene Expression. CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH. 14(22), 7397-7404 (2008.11). (IF=6.250) • Insuk Sohn, Jooyong Shim, Changha Hwang, Sujong Kim, Jae Won Lee (2009). Informative Transcription Factor Selection using Support Vector Machine-based Generalized Approximate Cross Validation Criteria. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. (Corresponding author) .2009.03.15. Vol.53, Issue 5, 1727-1735. • Jooyong Shim, Insuk Sohn, Sujong Kim, Jae Won Lee, Paul E. Green, Changha Hwang (2009). Selecting marker genes for cancer classification using supervised weighted kernel clustering and the support vector machine. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 2009.03.15. Vol.53, Issue 5, 1736-1742. • Lutz Edler, Jae Won Lee, Martina Mittlbock, Joyce Niland and Norbert Victor. (2009.01.15). Computational statistics within clinical research. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 2009.01. 53(3), 583-585. • HYO SONG KIM, KYUNG HEE KIM, KYOUNG HA KIM, MYUNG HEE CHANG, SANG HOON JI, DO HYOUNG LIM, KIHYUN KIM, SEOK JIN KIM, YOUNGHYEH KO, CHANG-SEOK KI, SOOK JUNG JO, JAE WON LEE, & WON SEOG KIM,. (2009) Whole blood Epstein-Barr virus DNA load as a diagnostic and prognostic surrogate: extranodal natural killer/T-cell lymphoma. 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(2012) Use of MDLC-DIGE and LC-MS/MS to identify serum biomarkers for complete remission in patients with acute myeloid leukemia. (2012). ELECTROPHORESIS. Vol.33 (12), 1863-1872. • Jong-Mu Sun, Ki Hyeong Lee, Sang-We Kim, Dae Ho Lee, Young Joo Min, Hwan Jung Yun, Hoon Kyo Kim, Hong Suk Song, Yeul Hong Kim, Bong-Seog Kim, In Gyu Hwang, Keehyun Lee, Sook Jung Jo, Jae Won Lee, Jin Seok Ahn, Keunchil Park, Myung-Ju Ahn,. (2012). Gefitinib Versus Pemetrexed as Second-Line Treatment in Patients With Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer Previously Treated With Platinum-Based Chemotherapy (KCSG-LU08-01): An Open Label, phase 3 Trial. (2012). 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(2012) Journal of Natural Products. Vol.75 (10). 1777-1784. 2012 Jack L Beal Award • Young Mi Kim,. Joongku Lee,. Sang-Hong Park,. Changyoung Lee,. Jae Won Lee,. DongHyuk Lee,. Nahyun Kim,. Dongho Lee,. Hyang Yeon Kim,. Choong Hwan Lee,.(2012) LC.MS-based chemotaxonomic classification of wild-type Lespedeza sp. and its correlation with genotype. (2012) Plant Cell Reports. Vol.31 (11). 2085-2097. • Jae Won Lee. (2013). Statistical DNA Forensics - Theory, Methods and Computation. (2013) (Book Review). Law, Probability and Risk (2013.06) 12(2), 165. • JungBok Lee and Jae Won Lee,. (2013). Multivariate Approach for Protein Identification based on Mass Spectrometric Data. (published online 18 January 2012) Statistical Methods in Medical Research. Vol.22(6), 553-556. (2013.12.) (Corresponding author) • Jin Seok Ahn, Ki Hyeong Lee, Jong-Mu Sun, Keunchil Park, Eun-Suk Kang, Eun Kyung Cho, Dae Ho Lee, Sang-We Kim, Gyeong-Won Lee, Jin-Hyoung Kang, Jong-Seok Lee, Jae-Won Lee, Myung-Ju Ahn,. (2013). A randomized, phase II study of vandetanib maintenance for advanced or metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer following first-line platinum-doublet chemotherapy. Lung Cancer. Volume 82 (3), (December 2013) 455–460. • Insuk Sohn, Jooyong Shim, Changha Hwang, Sujong Kim, Jae Won Lee,. (2014) Transcription Factor Binding Site Identification and Gene Classification via Fusion of Supervised Weighted Discrete Kernel Clustering and Support Vector Machine. (2014) Journal of Applied Statistics, Vol.41(3), 573-581. (Corresponding author) • Nahyun Kim, Seung Mok Ryu, Dong Hyuk Lee, Jae Won Lee, Eun-Kyoung Seo, Je-Hyun Lee, and Dongho Lee, (2014). A metabolomic approach to determine the geographical origins of Anemarrhena asphodeloides by using UPLC-QTOF MS. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. Vol.92, 47-52. • Jaeyoung Kwon, Nahyun Kim, DongHyuk Lee, Ah-Reum Han, Jae Won Lee, Eun-Kyoung Seo, Je-Hyun Lee, Dongho Lee. (2014). Metabolomics approach for the discrimination of raw and steamed Gastrodia elata using liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-fight mass spectrometry. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 94 (2014) 132-138. • Jae Won Lee. (2014). Randomized Phase II Cancer Clinical Trials. Chapman and Hall/CRC. (Book Review). Biometrics. (2014/9) • DongHyuk Lee, Dongho Lee, Jae Won Lee (2014). Statistical methods for classification of medicinal plants. Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. 8, 698-706. • Seung Tae Kim, Yong Sang Hong, Ho Yeong Lim, Jeeyun Lee, Tae Won Kim, Kyu-Pyo Kim, Su Young Kim, Ji Yeon Baek, Jee Hyun Kim, Keun-Wook Lee, Ik-Joo Chung, Sang-Hee Cho, Kyung Hee Lee, Sang Joon Shin, Hye Jin Kang, Dong Bok Shin, Sook Jung Jo, Jae Won Lee and Young Suk Park. (2014). S-1 Plus Oxaliplatin Versus Capecitabine Plus Oxaliplatin for the First-Line Treatment of Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: Updated Results from a Phase 3 Trial. BMC Cancer. 14(1) 883. • Dae-Soon Son, Dong Hyuk Lee, Kyusang Lee, Sin-Ho Jung, Taejin Ahn, Eunjin Lee, Insuk Sohn, Jongsuk Chung, Nam Huh, Jae Won Lee, (2013). Practical approach to determine sample size for building logistic prediction models using high-throughput data. (2015) Journal of Biomedical Informatics (2015.02). Vol.53, 355-362. (co-corresponding author) • Joon Hyeok Lee, Jeong-Hoon Lee, Young-Suk Lim, Jong Eun Yeon, Tae-Jin Song, Su Jong Yu, Geum-Youn Gwak, Kang Mo Kim, Yoon Jun Kim, Jae Won Lee, and Jung-Hwan Yoon. (2015) Adjuvant Immunotherapy With Autologous Cytokine-Induced Killer Cells for Hepatocellular Carcinoma. (2015. Gastroenterology. 2015(148), 1383-1391. • Bu-Yeo Kim, Dong Wook Choi, Seon Rang Woo, Eun-Ran Park, Je-Geun Lee, Su-Hyeon Kim, Imhoi Koo, Sun-Hoo Park, Chul Ju Han, Sang Bum Kim, Young Il Yeom, Suk-Jin Yang, Ami Yu, Jae Won Lee, Ja June Jang, Myung-Haing Cho, Won Kyung Jeon, Young Nyun Park, Kyung-Suk Suh10* and Kee-Ho Lee. (2015). Recurrence-associated pathways in hepatitis B virus-positive hepatocellular carcinoma. BMC Genomics (2015) 16:279. (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1472-x) • Seung-Soo Kim, Kyung-Mi Choi, Soyoung Kim, Taesun Park, In-Cheol Cho, Jae-Won Lee, Cheol-Koo Lee,. (2016). Whole-transcriptome analysis of mouse adipose tissue in response to short-term caloric restriction. Molecular Genetics and Genomics. April 2016, Volume 291, Issue 2, pp 831-847. • Byeong Yeob Choi, Eric Bair, Jae Won Lee (2017). Nearest shrunken centroids via alternative genewise shrinkages. PLOS ONE. 1-18. (Published online : 2017.02.15.). (DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0171068) (Corresponding author) • Hyo-Jung Lee, Jae Won Lee, Su Jin Jeong, Mira Park,. (2017). How many single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are needed to replace short tandem repeats (STRs) in forensic applications? (Published online : 2017.02.27.) (DOI 10.1007/s00414-017-1564-z). International Journal of Legal Medicine. 2017(131), 1203-1210. (2017.09) • Doo-Sik Kong, Do-Hyun Nam, Shin-Hyuk Kang, Jae Won Lee, Jong-Hee Chang, Jeong-Hoon Kim, Young-Jin Lim, Young-Cho Koh, Yong-Gu Chung, Jae-Min Kim and Choong-Hyun Kim (2017). Phase III randomized trial of autologous cytokine-induced killer cell immunotherapy for newly diagnosed glioblastoma in Korea. Oncotarget. Vol.8, (No. 4), 7003-7013. • Eun-Ran Park, Sang-Bum Kim, Jee-San Lee, Yang-Hyun Kim, Dong-Hyoung Lee, Eung-Ho Cho, Sun-Hoo Park, Chul Ju Han, Bu-Yeo Kim, Dong Wook Choi, Young Do Yoo, Ami Yu, Jae Won Lee, Ja June Jang, Young Nyun Park, Kyung-Suk Suh, Kee-Ho Lee,. (2017) The mitochondrial hinge protein, UQCRH, is a novel prognostic factor for hepatocellular carcinoma. (DOI: 10.1002/cam4.1042). 2017.03.23. Cancer Medicine. Vol.6(4), 749-760. • Jin Kim, M.D., Ph.D. Se-Jin Baek, M.D., Ph.D. Dong-Woo Kang, M.D. Young-Eun Roh, Ph.D. Jae Won Lee, Ph.D. Han-Deok Kwak, M.D., Ph.D. Jung Myun Kwak, M.D., Ph.D. Seon-Hahn Kim, M.D., Ph.D. (2017). Robotic Resection is a Good Prognostic Factor in Rectal Cancer Compared with Laparoscopic Resection: Long-term Survival Analysis Using Propensity Score Matching. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum Volume 60: 3, 266-273 (2017). • Young Woon Chang, Chi Hyuk Oh, Jung-Wook Kim, M.D., Ph.D., Jae Won Lee, Mi Ju Park, Jae-Jun Shim, Chang Kyun Lee, Jae-Young Jang, Seok Ho Dong, Hyo Jong Kim, Sung Soo Kim, Byung-Ho Kim,. (2017) Combination of Helicobacter pylori infection and the interleukin 8 –251 T>A polymorphism, but not the mannose-binding lection 2 codon 54 G>A polymorphism, might be a risk factor of gastric cancer. (DOI: 10.1186/s12885-017-3378-2) (2017.05.30.). BMC Cancer. 17:388 (1-11) • Jae Won Lee, Nan Lin, Martina Mittlbock. (2017) Advances in Medical Statistics. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 113 (2017) 1-2. (Editorial) (2017.09) • Insuk Sohn, Sujong Kim, Jae Won Lee, Ja-Yong Koo, and Junsu Ko, (2017). Identifying Novel NF-kB-Regulated Immune Genes in the Human Genome using a Discrete Kernel Structured Support Vector Machine. (DOI 10.3233/MAS-170395). Model Assisted Statistics and Applications. vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 209-216, 2017.(2017.08.30.). Corresponding Author. • Hyo Jung Lee, Jae Won Lee, Seohoon Jin, Hee Jeong Yoo, Mira Park. (2017) A Markov blanket-based approach for finding highdimensional genetic interactions associated with disease in family-based studies (2017) International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics. (2017.11). Vol.18(4), 269-280. (DOI: 10.1504/IJDMB.2017.10009260) • Jeong.Hoon Lee, Joon Hyeok Lee, Young.Suk Lim, Jong Eun Yeon, Tae.Jin Song, Su Jong Yu, Geum.Youn Gwak, Kang Mo Kim, Yoon Jun Kim, Jae Won Lee, Jung.Hwan Yoon, (2019). Sustained efficacy of adjuvant immunotherapy with cytokine-induced killer cells for hepatocellular carcinoma: an extended 5-year follow-up. Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy (2019). (January 2019, Volume 68, Issue 1, pp 23-32) (DOI : 10.1007/s00262-018-2247-4) (online published 2018.09.19.) • Byeong Yeob Choi, Jae Won Lee. (2019). The isotonic regression approach for an instrumental variable estimation of the potential outcome distributions for compliers. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis.(on-line published 2019.05.18. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csda.2019.04.013) • Ming-Yen Cheng, Michele Guindani, Jae Won Lee, Yi Li Catherine Chunling Liu (2019.04) Special Issue on Biostatistics. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. Volume 132, pp1-2. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csda.2019.01.004) • Su Jin Jeong, Sang Hyun Park, Ji Eun Park, Seong Hwan Park, Tae-young Moon, Sang Eon Shin, Jae Won Lee (2020.04) Extended model for estimation of ambient temperature for postmortem interval (PMI) in Korea. Forensic Science International, Volume 309 • Hanna Yoo, Jae Won Lee (2020.10.) Sample size calculation based on discrete Weibull and zero-inflated discrete Weibull regression models. Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation. • Su Jin Jeong, Hyo Jung Lee, Jae Won Lee (2021). Statistical considerations in Forensic Science: A review. Journal of the Korean Statistyical Society. Volume 50. Issue 3. 703-729. 국내 학술지 • 박성현, 이재원 (1986). Optimal Run Orders in Factorial Designs. 통계학연구 제15권 제 1호, 31-45. • 이민호외 9명 (1994). Thallium-201 Test Per Rectum (Shunt Index) 의 임상적 의의 대한내과학회지. 제 46권 19-25. • 박미라, 이재원 (1994). 다기관 공동임상시험연구에서의 자료의 구축, 관리와 분석 임상약리학회지, 제2권, 215-221. • 이재원 (1994). An overview of Group Sequential Procedures. 응용통계연구, 제7권, 제2호, 35-51. • 박미라, 이재원 (1995). 임상시험연구의 통계적 고찰. 한국통계학회논문집, 제2권, 229-247. • 박경미, 이재원 (1996). 임상시험에서 치료율 비교를 위한 집단축차검정법에 관한 고찰 응용통계연구, 제9권, 제2호, 95-108. • 정병철, 이재원 (1996). S-plus를 이용한 생존분석. 응용통계, 제11권, 71-89. • 장애방, 이재원 (1997). 비례위험모형의 적합도 검정법에 관한 연구 응용통계연구, 제10권, 제1호, 85-104. • 엄순호, 류호상, 박미라, 이재원 et al. 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Proceeding for 2nd AFITA 2000 Agriculture (Suwon, Korea), 285-291. • Lee, J. W. (2001). Statistical Considerations in Clinical Trials. Proceedings for Workshop on Clinical Oncology Research (Seoul, Korea) 91-121. • Jeong, H. C., Jhun, M. S. and Lee, J. W. (2001). Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for the Difference of Proportions from Multivariate Binomial Distribution. Proceeding for the 53th ISI (Seoul, Korea) 45-46. • Park, M. R. and Lee, J. W. (2001). A Graphical Approach for Representing Disequilibrium in Population Genetic Study. Proceeding for the 53th International Statistical Institute(Seoul, Korea) 7-8. • Lee, J. W., DeMets, D. L., Kim, K. M. and Lee, J.B. (2001). Estimations following Group Sequential Testing in a Clinical Trial with Multivariate Observations. Proceeding for the 53th International Statistical Institute (Seoul, Korea) 49-50. • Jae Won Lee, Jung Bok Lee, Mira Park. (2002) Comparison of Recently Developeded Classification Tools in Microarray Data Analysis. Proceedings for ASA (New York, USA), 401 • Mira Park, Jae Won Lee, Jung Bok Lee. (2002) Several Variants of Biplot Applied to Microarray Data. Proceedings for ASA (New York, USA), 116 • Jae Won Lee (2002). Statistical Issues in DNA Microarray Data Analysis. International Conference on Bioinformatics (invited). (Suwon, KOREA) • Jae Won Lee, IMT-2000 Statistics Group (2003). Statistical Software System for Analyzing DNA Chip Expression Data. Proceeding of International Symposium on Bioinformatics for Agricultural Biotechnology (Invited). (Seoul, KOREA), 21-42. • Lee, J. B., Lee, J. W., Park, Mira. (2004). Comparison Validation of Protein Identification Searching Tools Using Mass Spectrometry Data. 2004 ENAR Spring Meeting (Pittsburgh, PA, USA) • Lee, Jae Won., Kim, Ho and Lee, Hyo Jung. (2004). A simulation study for gene-environment interaction using SNP and haplotype information. International Symposium on Numerical Simulation of Environmental Problems. (Okayama, Japan) • Insuk Sohn, Sujong kim, Changha Hwang, Jae Won Lee(2005) New normalization methods using support vector machine regression approach in cDNA microarray analysis. BIOINFO2005 (Busan, Korea) • JungBok Lee, Jae Won Lee (2005). Generalized linear mixed model for protein identification based on mass spectrometric data. The 5th International Association of Statistical Computing (IASC) Asian Conference on Statistical Computing (Hong Kong) • Insuk Sohn, Sujong Kim, Jae Won Lee (2006.3) Identifying Novel NF-kB-Regulated Immune Genes in the Human Genome using Structured Support Vector Machine with discrete kernel. International Biometric Society. ENAR meeting. (Tampa, USA) • JungBok Lee, Chul Shin, Jae Won Lee (2006.3). Statistical Modeling and its Evaluation of Reference Values for Pulmonary Function Test: A Multivariate Approach. International Biometric Society. ENAR meeting. (Tampa, USA) • Seo Young Kim, Jae Won Lee, In Suk Sohn (2006.3). Comparison of various statistical methods for identifying differentially expressed genes in replicated microarray data. International Biometric Society. ENAR meeting. (Tampa, USA) • Jae Won Lee (2006.5). Normalization and Testing. International Symposium of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics. (Seoul, Korea) • Jae Won Lee (2006.8) Statistical evaluation of DNA evidence in the courts: A review. US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship. Teaneck, USA. • Dong-Wan Lim, Jae-Won Lee (2006. 9.14~16) Segmentaion of Protein Spots in 2D Gel Image by applying Watershed Transform Algorithm and Hierarchical Region Segmentation Method. BIOINFOR 2006 -The 7th Inernational Conference of Korean Society for Bioinformatics 2006.09.14~16. • Hyun Wook Shin, Dae Ui Park, Jae Won Lee. Bio-Named Entities Recognition System using Bio-text minig. BIOINFOR 2006 -The 7th Inernational Conference of Korean Society for Bioinformatics 2006.09.14~16. • Jae Won Lee, JungBok Lee (2007.5). Comparison of Scoring Algorithms for Peptide Mass Fingerprinting Data in Protein Identification. (Shanghai, China) • Jae Won Lee, JungBok Lee, Shin Jae Lee (2007.12). A study on the statistical procedures for protein identification: A review. EAR-BC '07. (Tokyo, Japan.) • Hanna Yoo, Yang-Jin Kim, Jae Won Lee, Shin-Jae Lee (2008.3). Joint modeling of cluster size and clustered failure times. ENAR. (Arlington, USA.) • Hanna Yoo, Jae Won Lee (2009.06). Comparing imputation methods for doubly censored data. IMS Asia Pacific Rim Meetings. (Seoul, Korea) • Ami Yu, Dae-Soon Son, Sung Ju Kim, Insuk Sohn, Kee-ho Lee, Jae Won Lee. (2009.06). Survival prediction from microarray data and prognosis related gene selection as a biomarker. IMS Asia Pacific Rim Meetings. (Seoul, Korea) • Kemok Kim, Nahyun Kim, Byeong Yeob Choi, Jae Won Lee, Jeong Hoon Lee, Chun Geun Park, Yu Su Shin, Jung Sook Sung and Dongho Lee (2009). GC-MS BASED METABOLITE PROFILING OF MEDICINAL HERB "ARTEMISIA SPP." The American Society of Pharmacognosy. • Hanna Yoo, Jae Won Lee, Yang-Jin Kim (2010, 02). Joint modeling of cluster size and clustered failure time. JKSC. (Okayama, Japan) • Sook Jung Jo, Jae Won Lee (2010, 02). Confidence Interval Following Group Sequential Test in Clinical Trials. JKSC. (Okayama, Japan) • Soo Young Lee, Jae Won Lee (2010, 02). Comparison of Statistical Models for Estimating Vaccine Efficacy in Recurrent Event data under Heterogeneities. JKSC. (Okayama, Japan) • Kemok Kim, Nahyun Kim, Byeong Yeob Choi, Jae Won Lee, Jeong Hoon Lee, Chun Geun Park, Yu Su Shin, Jung Sook Sung and Dongho Lee (2009). GC-MS BASED METABOLITE PROFILING OF MEDICINAL HERB “ARTEMISIA SPP.” The American Society of Pharmacognosy. • Injoon Yeo, Jae Won Lee, Sunghwan Kim.(2010). Statistical approach for Interpretation of Petroleum Spectra obtained by ESI FT-ICR MS. The 1st Asian & Oceanic Mass Spectrometry Conference (The 1st Asian & Oceanic Mass Spectromery Confernce AOMSC). 질량분석학회 2010.08.25-27. 창원 • Y. S. Park, H. Y. Lim, J. Lee, T. W. Kim, J. L. Lee, Y. S. Hong, S. Y. Kim, J. Y. Baek, J. H. Kim, K. W. Lee, I. J. Chung, S. H. Cho, K. H. Lee, S. J. Shin, H. J. Kang, D. Shin, S. J. Jo, J. W. Lee (2011). A randomized phase III study of sox(S- 1/oxaliplatin) vs. COX (capecitabine/oxaliplatin) in patients with advanced colorectal cancer. 2011 ASCO Annual Meeting.(2011.06.03~07) Chicago. Illinois. • DongHyuk Lee, Dongho Lee, and Jae Won Lee,. (2011.11). A comparative study of classification methods for metabolomics data. Joint Meeting of the Korea-Japan Conference of Computational Statistics and the 25th Symposium of Japanese Society of Computational Statistcs (JSCS). (2011.11.11~12, Busan, Korea). • DonHyuk Lee and Jae Won Lee,. (2012.02). Comparison of convariance matrix estimators with high dimensional data. The 3rd Ease Asia Regional Biometric Conference 2012(EAR-BC 2012 Seoul, Korea). (2012.02.02~03, Seoul, Korea) • S Ryu , N Kim , W Jeong , D Lee , JW Nam , UJ Youn , JW Lee , EK Seo , JH Lee , D Lee. (2012.07). Metabolomic approach for origin discrimination of Anemarrhena asphodeloides bunge using UPLC/Q-TOF MS. 8th Joint Meeting of AFERP, ASP, GA, PSE and SIF. (2012.07.28.~08.01, New York City, USA) • N Kim , K Kim , DH Lee , YS Shin , KH Bang , SW Cha , JW Lee , D Lee . (2012) Age differentiation of Panax ginseng and structure analysis of key constituents using metabolomics technique. 8th Joint Meeting of AFERP, ASP, GA, PSE and SIF. (2012.07.28.~08.01, New York City, USA) • JY Kwon , N Kim , DH Lee , AR Han , JW Lee , EK Seo , JH Lee . D Lee . (2012) Qualitative and quantitative determination of bioactive marker compounds from Gastrodia elata by HPLC-DAD-MS. 8th Joint Meeting of AFERP, ASP, GA, PSE and SIF. (2012.07.28.~08.01, New York City, USA). • Jae Won Lee, HyoJung Lee, Sujin Jeong.(2014) Statistical evaluation of forensic DNA evidence in criminal cases. 2014 International Symposium on Forensic DNA in Law (2014.2.27.~2.28, Seoul, Korea) • Su Jin Jeong, Hyo Jeong Lee, Jae Won Lee (2014) Statistical evaluation of some common relationship in Korean population. The 3rd Institute of Mathematical Statistics Asia Pacific Rim Meeting. (2014.06.29. ~07.03, Taipei, Taiwan) • Mi Ju Park, Sung Eun An, Jae Won Lee (2014) Selection of gene set using gene-gene interaction and application to classification of gene expression data. The 3rd Institute of Mathematical Statistics Asia Pacific Rim Meeting (2014.06.29. ~07.03, Taipei, Taiwan) • Sung Eun An, Jae Won Lee, Mi Ju Park,.(2014) Prediction of patient survival from high-dimensional data: A comparison study. International Biometric Conference IBS in Florence 2014.(2014.07.06.~07.11, Florence, Italy) • Su Jin Jeong, Hyo Jung Lee and Jae Won Lee. (2015) Statistical evaluation of genetic evidence in Korean population. Korea University and Hokkaido University 3rd Workshop in Statistics.(2015.02.02.~03, Sapporo, Japan) • A Lyoung Kim and Jae Won Lee (2015). Confidence Intervals for Survival Function: A Comparison Study. Korea University and Hokkaido University 3rd Workshop in Statistics.(2015.02.02.~03, Sapporo, Japan) • Hyo Jung Lee, Jae Won Lee, Seohoon Jin, Hee Jeong Yoo, Mira Park,. (2016) Detecting high-dimensional genetic associations using a Markov-Blanket in a family-based study. (IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, BIBM 2016, Shenzhen, China. 2016.12.15.~18. IEEE Computer Society 2016, ISBN 978-1-5090-1611-2) P.1767-1770. • Ji Eun Park, Su Jin Jeong, Hyo Jung Lee, Seong Hwan Park,, Sang Eon Shin, Jae Won Lee (2017.09). Statistical estimation of ambient temperature for minimum post-mortem interval (PMI) in Korea. International Society for Forensic Genetics(ISFG). (2017.09.01. COEX, Seoul) 국내 학술회의 Proceeding • 이재원 (1994). Tests for Acceleration with surviving fraction. 한국통계학회추계학술대회 Proceedings, 98-107, 한국통계학회. • 이재원 (1994). Sequential comparison of cure rates in clinical trials. 신뢰성과 생존분석에 대한 Workshop Proceedings, 103-127, 경북대학교. • 이재원, 박미라(1994). 임상실험연구의 설계와 평가방법. 대한약사회 의학정보 Workshop Proceedings, 203-210, 대한 약사회. • 조숙정, 이재원 (1995). 반복측정치를 갖는 임상실험에서 집단축차검정후의 신뢰구간 추정. 한국통계학회 추계학술대회 Proceedings, 144-145, 한국통계학회. • 엄순호, 유호상, 박미라, 이재원 外 (1996). 간세포암의 생존율에 관여하는 예후인자 및 예후계수에 의한 병기분류. 대한내과학회 Proceedings, 대한내과학회. • 엄순호, 유호상, 박미라, 이재원 外 (1996). 치료법에 따른 간세포암 예후의 관찰. 대한소화기학회Proceedings, 대한소화기학회. • 정미남, 이재원 (1996). 두 생존분포의 동일성 검정에 관한 비교연구. 한국통계학회 추계학술대회 Proceedings, 109-114, 한국통계학회. • 박근태, 이민호, 이재원 外 (1997). 만성간질환환자에서의 Colchicine 효과. 임상약리학회 추계학술대회 Proceedings, 임상약리학회. • 엄순호, 유호상, 박미라, 이재원 外 (1997). 소간세포암에 대한 임상적 고찰. 대한간학회 춘계학술지, 3권. • 엄순호, 유호상, 박미라, 이재원 外(1997). 간세포암의 선별검사로서 정기적인 초음파 및 AFP검사의 유용성에 대한 고찰. 대한내과학회 추계학술대회 Proceedings, 대한내과학회. • 이재원, 이혜승, 박미라, 황적준 (1998). Paternity probability when a relative of father is an alleged father. 한국분류학회 추계학술논문 발표회 Proceedings, 73-84. • 이혜승, 이재원, 한길로, 황적준 (1998). STR 유전자의 개인식별력 측정을 위한 통계량. 대한법의학회 추계학술논문 발표회 Proceedings, 13-19. • 이혜승, 이재원, 한길로, 황적준 (1999). 친모의 유전자형을 알수 없을 때 친자확인을 위한 유전자 검사. 대한법의학회 춘계학술논문 발표회 Proceedings, 72-81. • 김민지, 이재원 (1999). 정보를 가지는 중도절단이 있는 경시적 연구에서의 변화율 추정량에 관한 연구. 한국통계학회 춘계학술대회 Proceedings, 273-278. • 김대윤, 이재원 (1999). 사상의학 체질진단 객관화에 대한 통계적 연구. 한국통계학회 춘계학술대회 Proceedings, 228-233. • 이정복, 이재원 (1999). 종료사건을 포함하는 재발생존자료에 대한 가속생존모형. 한국통계학회춘계학술대회 Proceedings, 279-284. • 이경미, 이재원 (1999). 이중 중도절단되고, 절단된 생존자료에서의 잠복시간의 분포 차이에 대한 검정. 한국통계학회 추계학술대회 Proceedings, 232-237. • 이효정, 이재원 (1999). DNA 증거의 집단유전학적 분석을 위한 SAS 시스템. 한국통계학회 추계학술대회 Proceeding, 23-26. • 김대윤, 이재원, 김달래 (1999). 사상체질의 유전성 검토에 대한 통계적 연구. 전국 한의학 학술대회 Proceedings, 78-80. • 이재원 (2001). 유전체 자료분석에 있어서의 통계적 이슈. 화학공학의 이론과 응용, 5235-5283. • 이재원(2002). Microarray 자료분석에서의 통계적이슈. Busan Genome Center Symposium, 7 ~ 8. • 이재원(2002). DNA Chip 자료분석에서의 통계적 방법의 응용, 농촌진흥청. 132 ~ 156. • 이재원, 이정복, 박미라 (2002). 마이크로어레이자료분석에서의 최신 분류방법들의 비교연구. 한국통계학회 춘계학술대회 Proceedings, 99-104. • 이재원 (2002). 기능유전체학에서의 통계학. 한국통계학회 춘계학술대회 tutorial. • 손인석, 이재원 (2003) Time Control Microarray 자료의 군집분석에 대한 고찰. 한국통계학회 춘계학술대회 Proceedings, 299-304. • 이재원(2003). MALDI-TOF/MS 의 Peptide Mass Fingerprinting 데이터 분석법 개발 현황 및 알고리즘 비교. 한국생물정보학회 Proteome Informatics 연구회 추계워크샵 Proceedings 31-60 • 김종영, 이재원 (2003) cDNA 마이크로어레이 표준화에 대한 연구. 한국통계학회 추계학술대회. Proceedings, 331-334. • 고혜정, 이재원 (2003.11). Tests for equivalence/non-inferiority based on odds ratio in matched-pair design. 한국통계학회 추계학술대회 Proceedings, 319-324. • 이재원, 이정복, 박미라, 김찬화, 주원아 (2004.5). Mass Spectrometry 자료에 근거한 단백질동정의 통계적 방법. 한국통계학회 춘계학술대회 Proceedings. 63-65. • 김서영, 이재원, 손인석, (2004.5). Various Statistical Analysis Methods for Identifying Differentially Expressed Genes in Microarray Data. 한국통계학회 춘계학술대회 Proceedings. 73-78. • 우숙영, 이재원 (2004.5). Relative Hierarchical clustering을 이용한 Microarray자료의 군집분석. 한국통계학회 춘계학술대회 Proceedings. 219-222. • 이재원 (2004.6.25). Sample Size Determination in Clinical Trials. 제10회 Consensus Conference GASTRIC CANCER, 대한항암요법연구회. 36-49. • 유한나, 이재원 (2004.11). Regression Analysis of Doubly censored data using Gibbs Sampler for the Incubation period. 한국통계학회 추계학술대회 Proceedings. 237-241. • 이경화, 이재원 (2005. 5). 중도절단된 생존함수의 신뢰구간 비교연구. 한국통계학회 춘계학술대회 Proceedings. • 이재원(2005.2). ISSAC: An Integrated Statistical System for Analyzing DNA Chip Data. 한국유전체학회 • 이재원(2005.5). Mass Spectrometry를 이용한 단백질 동정의 계산적 접근에 대한 최근 동향. 생물정보학회 Proteome Informatics연구회 추계 워크샵 • 이재원(2006.1). 바이오데이터 통계적 접근방법론. 2006년도 바이오과학정보 워크샵 • 손인석, 심주용, 황창하, 김수정, 이재원 (2006.5). Identification of the important transcription factors for discriminating transcription factor regulated genes using supervised weighted discrete kernel clustering. 2006년 춘계 한국통계학회 • 유아미, 이재원 (2006.5). 임상시험에서의 공변량을 고려한 Randomization 방법들의 비교. 2006년 춘계 한국통계학회 Proceedings • 황성희, 손인석, 이재원, 김수정 (2006.5). Comparison of various statistical methods for identifying overrepresented transcription factor. 2006년 춘계 한국통계학회 • 김성주, 이재원, 김호, 고운영, 이은혜 (2007.5). VPD(Vaccine Preventable Disease) 발생 예측 알고리즘에 관한 연구. 2007년 춘계 한국통계학회 • 차재형, 이재원 (2007.5). 데이터마이닝을 이용한 보험계약의 해약 패턴 분석. 2007년 춘계 한국통계학회 Proceedings • 이효정, 이혜승, 이재원 (2007.11). Comparative simulation study of short tandem repeats and single nucleotide polymorphisms in forensic applications. 2007년 추계 한국통계학회 Proceedings • 홍현숙, 박민정, 김성주, 고운영, 이재원, 김 호 (2007.11). 건강보험자료를 이용한 인플루엔자 환자 발생 수 추세와 기상 환경과의 관계연구. 2007년 추계 한국통계학회 Proceedings • 김성주, 이재원, 김 호, 고운영 (2007.11). VPD(Vaccine Preventable Disease) 모델링에 대한 수학적 통계적 접근 방법에 관한 연구. 2007년 추계 한국통계학회 Proceedings • 김덕현, 이재원 (2007.11). 적응적 설계를 이용한 임상시험에서의 조기종료방법에 관한 비교연구. 2007년 추계 한국통계학회 Proceedings • 최병엽, 이재원, 김호, 고운영 (2008.05). 전염병 이상 발생의 예측을 위한 통계적 방법들의 비교 연구. 2008년 춘계 한국통계학회 Proceedings • 박상규, 배종성, 전명식, 이재원, 심근섭, 고현석, 최정임 (2008.11). 연구결과의 신뢰성 향상을 위한 통계지원 체계화 방안 연구. 2008년 추계 한국통계학회 Proceedings • 김나현, 정원식, 최병엽, 이재원, 이동호, 남주원, 윤의중, 이유진, 서은경, 이제현 (2008.11). UPLC/Q-TOF MS를 이용한 고본의 패턴 분석. 2008년 추계 한국약용작물학회 • 김금옥, 최병엽, 이재원, 이동호, 이정훈 , 박춘근 , 신유수, 성정숙 (2008.11). Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry를 이용한 Artemisia spp.의 분류. 2008년 추계 한국약용작물학회 • 이수영, 이재원 (2009. 11). Comparative study for estimating Vaccine Efficacy in recurrent event under heterogeneity. 2009년 추계 한국통계학회 Proceedings. • Jae Won Lee, Sook Jung Jo (2010). Clinical Trial Designs, Cancer Research and Treatment(supplement), The 15th Annual Fall Symposium of Korean Cancer Association. 대한암학회, 42(2), 14-17. • 박태영, 정종현, 이재원 (2011. 05). Nonparametric Bayes conditional distribution modeling with variable selection. 2011년 춘계 한국통계학회 Proceedings. 82-83. • 안성은, 이재원 (2012.05). Comparison of survival prediction for high-dimensional Cox models. 2012년 춘계 한국통계학회 Proceedings. • Young Mi Kim, Joongku Lee, Sang-Hong Park, Changyoung Lee, Jae Won Lee, Dong Hyuk Lee, Nahyun Kim, Dongho Lee, Hyang Yeon Kim, and Choong Hwan Lee, (2012.08). LC-MS-based chemotaxonomic classification of wild-type Lespedeza sp. and its correlation with genotype, Korea Metabolomics Society Workshop. 한국대사체학회, P07. • Nahyun Kim, Kemok Kim, DongHyuk Lee, Yoo-Soo Shin, Kyong-Hwan Bang, Seon-Woo Cha, Jae Won Lee, Hyung-Kyoon Choi, Bang Yeon Hwang, and Dongho Lee (2012.08). Metabolite profiling of Panax ginseng: age discrimination and structure interpretation of key constituents, Korea Metabolomics Society Workshop. 한국대사체학회, P42. • JaeYoung Kwon, Nahyun Kim, DongHyuk Lee, Ah-Reum Han, Jae Won Lee, Eun-Kyoung Seo, Je-Hyun Lee, and Dongho Lee (2012.08). Simultaneous determination of bioactive marker compounds from Gastrodiaelata by HPLC-DAD-MS, Korea Metabolomics Society Workshop. 한국대사체학회, P43. • Seungmok Ryu, Nahyun Kim, Wonsik Jeong, Donghyuk Lee, Joo-Won Nam, Ui Joung Youn, Jae Won Lee, Eun-Kyoung Seo, Je-Hyun Lee, and Dongho Lee (2012.08). Metabolic Profiling and Pattern Analysis of Anemarrhena asphodeloides Bunge Using UPLC/Q-TOF MS, Korea Metabolomics Society Workshop. 한국대사체학회, P44. • Jae Won Lee, Dong Hyuk Lee, Han Saem Jin and Dongho Lee (2014.04). Statistical methods for classification of medicinal plants. 한국대사체학회. 2014 Annual Symposium and General Meeting. pp.72-73. • 송수정, 이재원. (2014.05). A comparison of survival distributions with unequal censoring distributions. 2014년 춘계 한국통계학회 Proceedings. • 진한샘, 이재원 (2014.05). 불균형 집단데이터를 위한 분류방법에 관한 비교연구. 2014년 춘계 한국통계학회 Proceedings. (Poster) • 이윤주, 이재원 (2014.05). A comparison of the statistical methods for testing the equality of crossing survival functions. 2014년 춘계 한국통계학회 Proceedings. (Poster) • 정수진, 이효정, 이재원. (2015.05). 유전자 증거의 혈연관계 평가를 위한 통계적 방법. 제 24회 기초의학학술대회 Proceedings. (poster). P184. (2015.05.21.~22, 경주화백컨벤션센터). • 이효정, 이숭덕, 홍선표, 이환석, 이지현, 정수진, 이재원. (2015.05). Classification of ethnic group using ancestry informative SNP markers. 2015년 춘계 한국통계학회 Proceedings. P78. (2015.05.29. ~ 30. 충남대학교) • 이지연, 정수진, 이재원. (2015.05). 이변량 자료를 활용한 경쟁 위험(Competing Risk) 모형의 추정량. 2015년 춘계 한국통계학회 Proceedings. P77. (2015.05.29. ~ 30. 충남대학교) • 노영은, 이재원. (2015.05). 비모수적 방법을 이용한 구간중도절단자료에서의 추정 및 검정. 2015년 춘계 한국통계학회 Proceedings. (poster). P84. (2015.05.29. ~ 30. 충남대학교) • 조지민, 이재원. (2015.05). 비례위험모형 하에서 기저위험함수의 추정방법에 따른 생존함수의 비교 연구. 2015년 춘계 한국통계학회 Proceedings. (poster). P90. (2015.05.29. ~ 30. 충남대학교) • 노영은, 이재원 (2015.10) 성향점수 방법을 적용한 관측자료의 생존분석. 2015년 한국보건정보통계학회 추계 학술대회. (2015.10.16. 서울대학교 연건캠퍼스 행정관 대강당) • 조지민, 이재원. (2016.04). 콕스 비례위험모형하의 기저위험함수 추정량의 비교 연구(A comparison of baseline estimators in Cox proportional hazards model). 제 40회 보건학종합학술대회 (2016년 한국보건정보통계학회 춘계학술대회. 2016.04.09. 선릉역 대치빌딩). • 김성주, 이재원. (2016.05). 교차투여가 허용되는 항암제 무작위배정 대조군 임상시험에서의 전체 생존율 추정방법. 2016년 한국통계학회 춘계학술논문발표회 Proceeding. P12. (2016.05.27. ~ 28. 경북대학교). • 박지은, 정수진, 박성환, 신상언, 문태영, 박상현, 이재원. (2018). Distribution of species according to ecological factors affected by environmental, physical conditions. 한국법과학회. (2018.06.01. 연세대 서울캠퍼스) • 박지은, 정수진, 박성환, 신상언, 박상현, 문태영, 이재원 (2018). 검정파리과(Diptera: Calliphoridae)의 성장시간 추정을 위한 통계적 모형 연구. 한국과학수사학회 25회 추계학술대회(2018.11.23. 대검찰청) • 박지은, 정수진, 박성환, 신상언, 박상현, 문태영, 이재원 (2019.06.21.) Study of Statistical Model for Estimation of Growth Time of Blowfiles(Diptera: Calliphoridae) 36회 한국법과학회 춘계학술대회, 연세대학교 • 정수진, 박상현, 박지은, 박성환, 문태영, 신상언, 이재원 (2019.11.29.) Extended Model for Estimation of Ambient Temperature for Postmortem Interval (PMI) in Korea 대한법의학회 추계학술대회, 연세대학교 지식재산권 (특허) • 자동화된 마이크로어레이 이미지 분석방법 및 그 기록 매체 (등록번호: 10-0742780) • 마이크로어레이 통합분석방법 (등록번호: 10-0839221) • 마이크로어레이 실험정보의 통합관리 방법 및 그 기록매체 (등록번호: 10-0836865) • 복제실험 및 염료교환 실험의 신뢰도 검증 방법, 유효 유전자 검색 방법, 이에스티 기능 검색 방법, 실험용 프라이머 정보를 제공하는 데이터베이스 구축방법 및 그 기록 매체 (등록번호: 10-0882899) • 이에스티 기능 검색 방법 (출원번호 : 10-2008-0073692) (원출원번호 : 10-2006-0095841) • RASSFIA유전자의 단일염기다형성을 갖는 한국인의 폐암 고위험군의 선별방법 (출원번호: 2008-0089569) • 유효 유전자 검색 방법 (출원번호 : 10-2008-0073687) (원출원번호 : 10-2006-0095841) • 실험용 프라이머 정보를 제공하는 데이터베이스 구축 방법 (등록번호 : 10-0915889) • IGFBP-3 유전자를 이용한 폐암 감수성 진단용 마커 및 이를 이용한 폐암 감수성 예측 및 판단 방법 (등록번호: 10-1054517) • 백신 예방가능한 질병의 발생 예측 시스템 (등록번호 : 10-1154193) • 크로마토그래피―질량분석을 이용한 인삼 연근 판별 방법 (등록번호 : 10-1149236) • 크로마토그래피-질량분석을 이용한 아르테미시아 종 및 애엽 분류 방법 (등록번호 : 10-1152532) • 대립형질 빈도 추정 방법 및 장치 (출원번호 : 10-2015-0028944), (출원일 2015.03.02.)